--- On Tue, 25/3/08, yadullh
From: yadullh
Subject: Important Updates as of March 24th- Two days of Protests!- Under mounting pressures, government authorities say they will release Salehi on Wednesday!
To: info@workers-iran.org
Received: Tuesday, 25 March, 2008, 9:24 AM
Important Updates as of March 24, 2008
Two days of rally outside Sanandaj Prison and Court to protest Mahmoud Salehi’s continued detention!
Mahmoud Salehi ended his dry hunger strike today after meeting with his family! He has just started his wet hunger strike after 7 days of dry hunger strike in Sanandaj Prison!
Under mounting pressures, government authorities say they will release Salehi on Wednesday!
On March 23, 2008 (Farvardin 4, 1387), in response to a call by the Committee in Defence of Mahmoud Salehi, about 200 workers and labour activists, who had come from cities of Sanandaj, Karaj, Kamyaran, Rasht, Tehran, Oshnovieh, Saqez, Boukan..., gathered outside the central prison in Sanandaj to protest Mahmoud Salehi’s continued detention beyond his scheduled 23 March 2008. This rally took place from 8:00 AM to 12 PM and protesters vowed to continue their protests until Mahmoud Salehi is freed. The prison authorities who felt the pressure from the protesters explained that Mahmoud had not yet been released because the judicial offices have been closed due to the Iranian New Year holidays.
Mahmoud’s family went to the Sanandaj Justice Department on Monday March 24th to make inquiries about the excuses to keep Mahmoud behind bars and to demand his immediate freedom. They were again supported by about 200 labour activists and family members. This protest that lasted about three hours was surrounded by security forces. One participant, named Behrooz Sohrabi, was arrested and harassed and reportedly beaten. After protesters demanded his release they freed him a couple hours later.
The judiciary authorities promised to allow Najibeh Salehzadeh, Mahmoud’s wife, to visit him today at 4 PM and that they would issue a release order for Mahmoud to be freed from prison on Wednesday, March 26th. Najibeh along with Mahmoud’s brother and sister went to the court and protesters at the same time submitted a petition in which they demanded Mahmoud’s immediate freedom. Since these kinds of promises have been made before, protesters will continue their actions until Mahmoud Salehi is freed. According to the latest report by the Committee in Defense of Mahmoud Salehi, Mahmoud ended his dry hunger strike on Monday, March 24th after meeting with his wife and family members at 4:00 PM. Mahmoud’s family, on behalf of the protesters as well as all concerned friends asked him to stop his hunger strike. Mahmoud appreciated all efforts by protesters and everyone else and agreed to stop his dry hunger strike, but he said he will immediately start a wet hunger strike as of March 24th until he is freed from prison( wet hunger strike usually means only drinking water or Tea but no food at all ). Mahmoud’s dry hunger strike lasted seven days.
The Committee in Defense of Mahmoud Salehi reports that there are new charges against Salehi in addition to ‘communicating with those outside prison for the purposes of issuing messages of solidarity ...’ They are also charging Salehi in relaton to two incidents during which there were protests in prison agianst the quality and quantity of food and the prisoners’ refusal to eat as well a protest action by the prison’s inmate cleaners for a better weekly pay.
Mahmoud Salehi was on a total (dry) hunger strike since March 17, 2008. There has been mounting concerns for his life. Many labour organizations and activists have urged Salehi to end his dry hunger strike, but he has expressed his determination that either he has to be rightfully freed from prison or he would continue with his hunger strike. Salehi’s lawyer, his family and many labour and progressive organizations in Iran and abroad have strongly condemned the refusal by the government authorities to free Salehi on March 23rd, 2008. His lawyer has told in an interview that judicial authorities must be hold accountable for any harm done to Salehi. Protest actions in support of Salehi, such as the one mentioned above, need to continue urgently until government authorities withdraw their new charges against Salehi and release him from prison. Other actions are being organized in different countries by the activists of Iran ’s labor movement abroad, and numerous labour, progressive and human rights organization internationally have issued statements.
More updates to follow shortly. Please read the documents below.
To: General Secretary of International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC)
Dear Guy Ryder,
Last year was a year full of misery, unemployment, dismissal and temporary and blank-signed contracts for Iranian workers. As a result of the difficult economic situation resulting from the miseries of the global capitalist system, last year came to an end while Iranian workers and wage earners were struggling with the extreme hardship. The livelihood of workers has been constantly diminishing. And finally, the Iranian year 1386 (March 21, 2007 to March 20, 2008) ended while the Iranian workers are still facing prosecution for struggling to create their independent organizations. Some examples are the oppression of members of Sherkate Vahed syndicate and the imprisonment of the president of this syndicate while the syndicate’s secretary is pending for the court order to be carried out in the upcoming days. The workers of Haft Tapeh Sugar Company were under pressure during past year and some of them have been interrogated and detained. So far, not a single indication of decrease of oppression has been seen.
During the past years, Iran ’s workers have consistently been facing numerous difficulties and arrests for organizing free May Day events. As you know, one example was the May Day celebration in the city of Saqez in 2004, which ended with the arrest of numerous worker activists. As we speak, Mahmoud Salehi is paying the high price of organizing that event with his poor health condition in prison since last year. Mahmoud Salehi is under intensive pressure for his solidarity messages from prison in support of workers’ rights and other social movements and there is no hope for his release at the end of his prison sentence.
While organizing May Day events has been recognized as a basic right in many countries, the worker activists in Iran are still under hardest pressure for these same reasons. The recent humiliating and offensive whipping sentences against worker activists is another sign of rising pressures to prevent workers from organizing international workers’ day freely.
The two international days of action in support of Iranian workers launched by your organization on August 9, 2007 and March 6, 2008, despite their positive effects, have not yet been successful in stopping the repression of worker activists. Therefore, putting pressure on Iran ’s government should continue in a way that results in suspension of suppression and persecution of labour activists. We, labour activists in Iran, expect that you, as an organization that has the creation of free and independent labour organizations on its agenda – to take necessary measures to compel the Iranian government to stop pressures and repression of the workers and labour activists. Workers in Iran demand, and they should be able to freely strive towards the achievement of these demands, to end sacking and dismissals, to stop the practice of temporary and blank-signed contracts, timely payment of their wages, wage increase according to real inflation rates, equal rights between women and men, prohibition of child labour, and more importantly to create free and independent worker organizations.
*The Collaborative Council of Labour Organizations and Activists
*This council of labour activists was formed and is active in Iran
Appeal to Mahmoud Salehi from organizations of labour movement abroad
Dear Mahmoud,
We are writing this as some of your friends and allies to share our concerns with you. Today that we are writing this letter three days has gone since you began your hunger strike. This was a bitter reminder of the huge challenges facing our labour movement. We hope that you would accept from us that we support your protest against all the unjust and cruel actions that have been taking place against you and other prisoners. We too are outrageous about their efforts to prevent your freedom. Their objective is clear. They want to deprive our movement of its leaders…. We are so proud of you that, despite the most difficult conditions and illness, you’ve never stopped fighting against oppression and violation of our rights. You have no illusion about this system and establishment. In order to move forward and succeed, our labour movement needs many more activists like you….
Dear Mahmoud,
The defenders of the capitalist order cannot stand you and activists like you. But, we need you and all activists of labour movement….Workers in Iran need to keep their activists, those who have been taking risks and been facing jails and other difficulties, healthy and safe. That’s why your immediate and unconditional freedom is our most urgent demand. We vow that we will continue our struggles even more resolutely than before to free you and all other jailed workers. Your freedom and the freedom of all jailed workers and political prisoners will be realized. Our expectation and hope is that you will be freed from prison hale and hearty. As your colleagues and fellow workers we urge you to end your hunger strike. The continuation of your hunger strike will deteriorate your health significantly. Your family as well as the labour movement in Iran needs you while the protectors of capital want you to disappear. Let’s disappoint them…. We urge you to end your hunger strike.
Long live Mahmud Salehi!
- Committee of Solidarity with the Iranian Workers – Australia
- Committee in Support of Workers in Iran – Toronto , Canada
- Association of Solidarity with the Iranian Workers – Norway
- A Group of Progressive Workers in Exile – Switzerland
- Committee of Socialist Solidarity with Iranian Workers – France
- Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Köln , Germany
- Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Frankfurt and Suburb,
- Association of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Hanover , Germany
- Committee of Solidarity with Iranian Workers – Hamburg , Germany
- Solidarity Group with the Labour Movement-Berlin-Germany
- Iranian and Swedish Workers' Solidarity Committee
- International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran (IASWI)
- The solidarity center with Iranian workers, Guttenberg , Sweden
- Jamal Cheragh-Weisi Labour Association
To: Mahmoud Salehi
Date: 20/03/2008
Mahmoud salehi was due to be released from prison on March 23rd after serving his one year prison sentences. However, we have been informed that on Monday march 17 Mahmoud had been summoned from prison to court (branch 4) in the city of Sanandaj , Kurdistan province. The court has charged him for communicating with those outside prison on political issues and sending messages of solidarity. He has since been remanded in custody.
Mahmoud Salehi Immediately decided to go on dry hunger strike after being summoned to court. This was in protest against the courts illegal decision; a clear determination by the Iranian rulers to keep him in prison.
In spite of all protest from inside and outside of Iran , the Islamic regime, regardless of Mahmoud’s critical medical condition kept him in prison for one year. His “crime” was attempting to organise celebration of May Day. However this cruel act by the Iranian regime did not prevent Mahmoud’s fight for workers rights and equality.
We some fellow workers concerned about Mahmoud, strongly condemn this illegal charge against him and demand his immediate and unconditional release from prison.
Medical practitioners who have examined Mahmoud have unanimously stated that the hunger strike would put his life profoundly in danger. Therefore we urge Mahmoud from the bottom of our hearts to end his hunger strike, for the sake of his life which is very precious to us all.
Yadullah Khosroshahi, former secretary of Syndicate of Tehran oil refinery workers and former member of Workers Central council in oil industry.
Farhad Shabani, repressive of workers Club, Food Industry Workers Union, Uppsala , Sweden .
Mozafar Falahi, member of Metal Workers Union, Sweden.
Majid Tamjidi, member of Municipal Workers’ Union, S.K.T.F Union, Sweden .
Sedigh Jahani, member of Industrial Workers Union, Sweden.
Farkhondeh Ashna, Unemployed Worker.
Abas Govili, member of executive board of Workers Club 34, Bus Drivers Union, Stockholm , Sweden
AI Index: MDE 13/052/2008 (Public)
Date: 19 March 2008
Iran: Amnesty International and international trade union bodies condemn repressive measures meted out against trade union leader Mahmoud Salehi
Amnesty International, the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) and the International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) are calling on the Iranian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Mahmoud Salehi, the former leader of the Saqez Bakers’ Union, who was imprisoned in 2007 for the pursuit of legitimate trade union activities.
Mahmoud Salehi, who has serious long term medical concerns, is now on a total hunger strike and there are serious fears for his safety. He went on hunger strike after he was summoned to appear for questioning by Branch 4 of the Sanandaj Courts on 17 March 2008 when, after a prolonged wait, new charges were issued against him.
He has reportedly been accused of ‘communicating with those outside prison for the purposes of issuing messages of solidarity’ for other individual prisoners on hunger strike and students facing arrest. The new charges appear intended to justify Mahmoud Salehi’s continued detention beyond his scheduled 23 March 2008 release date, when he will have completed a one year prison sentence.
Amnesty International, the ITUC and the ITF are concerned that the new charge may have been brought against Mahmoud Salehi in response to the international mobilisation on 6 March 2008 by trade unions and Amnesty International members around the world to demand his release and that of his fellow trade unionist, Mansour Ossanlu (or Osanloo).
Mahmoud Salehi, former President of the Bakery Workers' Association of the city of Saqez, was arrested after a peaceful demonstration to celebrate May Day 2004. He was imprisoned on charges of ‘acting against national security’ after his final appeal hearing on 11 March 2007, and he began a one year sentence, with another three years’ suspended, on 9 April 2007.
Mahmoud Salehi is a prisoner of conscience and has long-term medical needs. A May 2007 request by his doctor that he be accorded specialist treatment outside the prison has been ignored. He suffers from chronic kidney disease, as a result of which he requires dialysis. He is also said to suffer from a heart disorder. In December 2007 it was reported that he had grave intestinal edema or swelling that may be connected with his renal disease. His health continues to be at serious risk, and he is reported to regularly experience fainting episodes in prison as a result of blood pressure problems.
Guy Ryder, General Secretary of the ITUC said ”It is deplorable that Mahmoud Salehi should have been imprisoned for participating in a May Day rally – a show of worker solidarity that should be a cause of celebration rather than repression.”
Amnesty International, the ITUC and the ITF are calling on the Iranian authorities to release both Mahmoud Salehi and Mansour Osanlu immediately and unconditionally and to ensure that Mahmoud Salehi has immediate access to specialist medical treatment that he needs.
David Cockroft, ITF concluded “It seems that the Iranian authorities want to silence Salehi ahead of this year’s May Day rallies. Though they may be able to keep him in jail, they will not silence the voices of hundreds of thousands of human rights activists and trade unionists who are demanding respect for fundamental labour rights in Iran. The three organisations will continue to work tirelessly alongside the independent Iranian trade union movement to seek respect for human rights for working people in Iran,” David Cockroft, ITF added.
In November 2005 Mahmoud Salehi was sentenced to five years’ imprisonment and three years' internal exile in the city of Ghorveh, Kordestan. At his trial, the prosecutor reportedly cited his trade union activities as evidence against him, and referred to a meeting he had held with officials from the then-International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU) – a predecessor organisation of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) - in April 2004, shortly before the May Day demonstrations. His conviction was overturned on appeal, but after a retrial he was sentenced on 11 November 2006 to four years’ imprisonment for "conspiring to commit crimes against national security". He was free until the appeal hearing on 11 March 2007, when his sentence was reduced to a three-year suspended prison sentence and one year’s imprisonment, which commenced with his imprisonment on 9 April 2007.
Amnesty International is working together with the ITUC and the ITF to seek the release of Mahmoud Salehi and fellow jailed trade unionist Mansour Osanlu, leader of the Tehran bus workers’ union, and to promote labour rights in Iran.
Public Document
International Secretariat, Amnesty International, 1 Easton St., London WC1X 0DW, UK
Transport House
128 Theobald’s Road
London WC1X 8TN
Tel: 020 7611 2500
Fax: 020 7611 2555
Friday, 21 March 2008
Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Presidency,
Palestine Avenue,
Azerbaijan Intersection,
Islamic Republic of Iran
Dear President
Mahmoud Salehi
I am writing this letter to express my outrage over new charges against Mahmoud Salehi, who has been in Sanadaj’s central prison since April 9, 2007. Mr. Salehi, a founding member and the former President of the Bakery Workers’ Association of the city of Saqez and a well-known labour activist in Iran, has been sentenced unjustly to one year imprisonment and a three year suspended prison sentence for his labour activities.
On Monday, March 17, 2008 , the judiciary authorities in Sanadaj charged Mahmoud with connecting with outside prison and sending solidarity messages to progressive students and other prisoners. They put Mahmoud under temporary arrest while he was supposed to be released from prison on March 23, 2008 . In response to this unjust order, Mahmoud Salehi has declared dry hunger strike effective immediately. It’s very important to emphasize that Mr. Salehi is currently suffering from a life-threatening kidney disease. He only has one kidney, and that kidney is functioning at about only 10 percent of capacity.
I am writing this to condemn this outrageous action on the part of your government and calling on you to release Mahmoud Salehi immediately and unconditionally as he is a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for the peaceful exercise of organizing the 2004 May Day demonstration and his right to freedom of expression and association in connection with his labour rights activities.
I also demand that Mansour Osanloo as well as all other labour and student activists, is released immediately and unconditionally.
Yours sincerely
Jennie Formby
National Secretary
Act NOW!
Iran : Release jailed workers, respect rights
You can also use the following sample letter:
Mr. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,
President of the Islamic Republic of Iran
The Presidency,
Palestine Avenue, Azerbaijan Intersection,
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: + 98 21 649 58 80
Email: dr-ahmadinejad@president.ir
I am writing this letter to express my outrage over new charges against Mahmoud Salehi, who has been in Sanadaj’s central prison since April 9, 2007. Mr. Salehi, a founding member and the former President of the Bakery Workers’ Association of the city of Saqez and a well-known labour activist in Iran, has been sentenced unjustly to one year imprisonment and a three year suspended prison sentence for his labour activities.
On Monday, March 17, 2008, the judiciary authorities in Sanadaj charged Mahmoud with connecting with outside prison and sending solidarity messages to progressive students and other prisoners. They put Mahmoud under temporary arrest while he was supposed to be released from prison on March 23, 2008. In response to this unjust order, Mahmoud Salehi has declared hunger strike effective immediately. It’s very important to emphasize that Mr. Salehi is currently suffering from a life-threatening kidney disease. He only has one kidney, and that kidney is functioning at about only 10 percent of capacity.
I am writing this to condemn this outrageous action on the part of your government and calling on you to release Mahmoud Salehi immediately and unconditionally as he is a prisoner of conscience, detained solely for the peaceful exercise of organizing the 2004 May Day demonstration and his right to freedom of expression and association in connection with his labour rights activities. I also demand that Mansour Osanloo as well as all other labour and student activists are released immediately and unconditionally.
Send Copy of your Protest Letters to:
Leader of the Islamic Republic:
Ayatollah Sayed *Ali Khamenei
The Office of the Supreme Leader
Shoahada Street
Qom, Islamic Republic of Iran
Email: info@leader.ir OR istiftaa@wilayah.org
Fax: 011 98 251 7774 2228
Head of the Judiciary:
Ayatollah Mahmoud Hashemi Shahroudi
Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Justice Building
Panzdah-Khordad Square
Tehran, Islamic Republic of Iran
Fax: 011 98 21 3390 4986 (may be difficult to reach)
Email: info@dadgostary-tehran.ir
Ambassador, Permanent Mission of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the United Nations Institutions in Geneva, Chemin du Petit-Saconnex 28, 1209 Geneva, Switzerland, Fax: +41 22 733 02 03, E-mail: mission.iran@ties.itu.int
cc: info@workers-iran.org
For more information, contact info@workers-iran.org or alliance@workers-iran.org.
International Alliance in Support of Workers in Iran
Background Information: www.workers-iran.org
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